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Migraine And Headache Specialist

Daljit S Buttar, MD -  - Interventional Pain Management Physician

Daljit S Buttar, MD

Interventional Pain Management Physician & Headache Specialist located in Raleigh, NC & Charlotte, NC

Migraines and headaches are common, as nearly everyone gets them from time to time. But if you struggle with severe or ongoing headache pain, turn to ASPIRE HEALTH in Raleigh and Charlotte, North Carolina. Skilled interventional pain management physician Daljit S. Buttar, MD, and his expert staff offer a variety of migraine and headache treatments that improve your quality of life. Call the office to learn more about your options or schedule an appointment online today.

Migraine and Headache Q&A

What are migraines and headaches?

Headaches produce aching pain in your head, and migraines are severe forms of headaches. Migraines often accompany other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, or visual disturbances. Treatment with ASPIRE HEALTH offers relief from severe or ongoing migraine and headache discomfort.

What are the symptoms of migraines and headaches?

Common symptoms you may notice if you have a migraine or headache include:

  • Sharp pain
  • Dull aching
  • Throbbing pain
  • Seeing stars
  • Other visual disturbances
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Pain on one side of your head
  • All-over discomfort 

Migraine and headache pain could come and go or remain for several hours or days when left untreated. See the experts at ASPIRE HEALTH if head pain bothers you, as it could be a sign of a serious underlying problem. 

What causes migraine and headache pain?

Common causes and risk factors for headaches and migraines include:

  • Family history of migraines
  • Hormone changes
  • Dehydration 
  • Eating certain foods
  • Food additives
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Excessive sun exposure
  • Stress
  • Sleep changes
  • Vigorous physical activity
  • Head trauma 
  • Tumors
  • Weather changes
  • Some medications 
  • Being a woman

Women are three times more likely than men to develop migraines. Adopting healthy lifestyle habits is the best way to reduce your risk of getting a migraine or headache. 

How does my doctor detect the root cause of headaches?

To find out what’s causing migraine or headache pain, Dr. Buttard discusses your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle habits with you. He checks your vital signs, completes a physical exam, and could order blood tests, CT scans, or MRIs.

What are common migraine and headache treatments?

Common migraine and headache treatments available at ASPIRE HEALTH include:

Botox® injections

Injecting Botox into targeted areas can reduce headache and migraine pain if you struggle with these conditions. You may need Botox injections every few months to achieve long-lasting migraine relief. 

Sphenopalatine/trigeminal blocks

Sphenopalatine and trigeminal blocks consist of local anesthetic and nerve blocks that reduce pain signals to your brain.

Trigger point injections

Dr. Buttar injects an anesthetic and corticosteroid into tight tissue fibers (trigger points) to reduce migraine and headache discomfort during trigger point injections. 

Call the ASPIRE HEALTH office or schedule an appointment online today to find relief from migraine and headache pain.