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My Neck Is Showing My Age: Can Botox® Help?

My Neck Is Showing My Age: Can Botox® Help?

Is your neck showing signs of aging? If you want to stop your neck from betraying your age, keep reading to see how safe and effective Botox® may be the solution you’ve been looking for!
Jul 15th, 2024

How Long Will Spinal Injections Provide Relief?

Struggling with chronic back or neck pain and wondering if the relief from a spinal injection will last long enough to make a real difference? Keep reading to find out more about spinal injections and the duration of relief.
Jun 20th, 2024
How to Boost Your Microneedling Results with PRP

How to Boost Your Microneedling Results with PRP

Refreshing your skin with microneedling and PRP provides bigger benefits than either treatment on its own. These two therapies complement each other by triggering your body’s natural healing processes. Take a moment to find out how.
May 14th, 2024
4 Essential Treatments for Joint Pain

4 Essential Treatments for Joint Pain

Struggling with persistent joint pain and not sure which treatments can provide you with the relief you need? Here’s a look at four therapies proven to help joint pain and the ways they can help make your discomfort disappear.
Apr 4th, 2024

4 Uses for Botox® Besides Smoothing Wrinkles

You know Botox® is a popular choice for minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. But did you know this neurotoxin has other uses? Keep reading to learn four ways providers use Botox to optimize your health.
Feb 5th, 2024
The Link Between Fibromyalgia and Memory Problems

The Link Between Fibromyalgia and Memory Problems

If you’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and have noticed difficulty remembering things, you could have what’s called “fibro fog.” Keep reading to learn about the link between these two conditions and the treatments available to help.
Jan 9th, 2024
Could You Have a Herniated Disc and Not Know It?

Could You Have a Herniated Disc and Not Know It?

Did you know a herniated disc can cause symptoms other than back pain? Disc herniation can involve other parts of your body which can mean unexpected symptoms. Keep reading to learn if your symptoms could mean a herniated disc.
Dec 15th, 2023
Tips for Eating Your Way to Less Inflammation

Tips for Eating Your Way to Less Inflammation

If you’re plagued by frequent aches and other frustrating symptoms, it could be a sign that your body is fighting chronic inflammation. Fortunately, the foods you eat can be your ally in reducing inflammation. Read on to explore some practical tips. 
Nov 15th, 2023
How Pain Impacts Your Mental Health

How Pain Impacts Your Mental Health

Is chronic pain affecting more than just your physical well-being? Keep reading to learn about the connections between physical discomfort and its effects on mental health, and find out about ways you can find relief.
Oct 11th, 2023
Simple Things You Can Do To Protect Your Spine

Simple Things You Can Do To Protect Your Spine

Whether you're working at a desk or always on the go, safeguarding your spine's health is vital. Keep reading to learn some easy ways to promote your spine health, and find out what you can do if you’re experiencing spine pain.  
Sep 1st, 2023
5 Ways Bad Posture Affects Your Overall Health

5 Ways Bad Posture Affects Your Overall Health

Do you find yourself slouching over your desk or slumped when waiting in line? Your bad posture could be causing more than back pain. Keep reading to learn five ways poor posture can affect your overall health. 
Aug 1st, 2023
Fibromyalgia-Friendly Diet Changes to Make Today

Fibromyalgia-Friendly Diet Changes to Make Today

Are you one of the 5 million American adults struggling with the widespread pain, exhaustion, and tenderness fibromyalgia brings? Take a moment to learn about three dietary changes that might be able to reduce your symptoms.
Jun 1st, 2023
3 Common Causes of Nerve Pain

3 Common Causes of Nerve Pain

If chronic pain is getting on your nerves (literally), you’re not alone. Millions of Americans struggle with chronic nerve pain. Here’s a look at some of the most common causes and the ways we can ease your pain.
May 18th, 2023
Spotting the Warning Signs of a Herniated Disc

Spotting the Warning Signs of a Herniated Disc

You might think the only symptom of a herniated disc is back pain. However, a herniated disc can trigger many symptoms. Here’s a look at how to spot the warning signs of this health condition.
Apr 6th, 2023
How Fibromyalgia Affects Your Entire Body

How Fibromyalgia Affects Your Entire Body

Fibromyalgia can cause widespread symptoms, which can make it feel like the condition is taking over your body — and your life. Read on to learn more about this painful condition and how we can help.
Mar 14th, 2023