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4 Uses for Botox® Besides Smoothing Wrinkles

There’s no doubt injectable Botox® works wonders when it comes to smoothing wrinkles and improving the appearance of fine lines. Every year, nearly 4 million Americans decide to say yes to this popular cosmetic treatment. 

But did you know Botox can do more for you than bring back a youthful appearance? Botox works using a neurotoxin that blocks the nerve it’s injected into from sending a signal to the muscle the nerve helps control.  

Board-certified neurologist Daljit S. Buttar, MD, and the team at Raleigh Spine and Pain Center in Raleigh, North Carolina, specialize in finding the best treatment for managing pain symptoms and treating underlying conditions. 

Keep reading to learn about four ways Botox besides smoothing wrinkles that Botox can help you and how our practice uses this neurotoxin to improve your health.  

1. Hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, affects millions of people, causing them to drip with sweat or sweat through clothing when not experiencing high temperatures or related to exercise or physical activity. 

Some people have generalized hyperhidrosis that affects the entire body while others have focal hyperhidrosis with sweating localized to one or more body parts (e.g., hands or armpits). It usually begins in adolescence, and it can disrupt your life in many ways. 

Botox injections can help by blocking the signal from the nerve to the affected sweat glands. The treatment lasts for 4-7 months and repeat sessions build on each other to keep your sweating at bay longer. Dr. Buttar can refer you to a provider who specializes in this condition. 

2. Eyelid spasms 

If you’re frustrated by uncontrollable eyelid movements, like twitches or spasms, or blepharospasm, a condition that causes one or both eyelids to close involuntarily, Botox can help.

Botox is the gold standard in managing these spasms. Your provider injects the neurotoxin into the muscles around your eyes, and it blocks the signal from the nerve to the muscle so the eyelids won’t twitch. 

Be sure to talk to Dr. Buttar for a referral to an ophthalmologist or other specialist to determine the best therapy for your eyelid spasms.  

3.  Nerve pain

Nerve pain can develop for different reasons, including nerve damage after injury or surgery or from conditions that put pressure on your nerves, like a herniated disc or spinal degeneration. It often causes symptoms such as:

Nerve pain can be difficult to manage since it often doesn’t respond well to over-the-counter pain medications. The good news is that for some patients, Dr. Buttar can ease nerve pain with Botox injections. 

Botox helps relieve nerve pain by causing the muscles associated with the affected nerves to relax and stopping the pain response in your brain by blocking the signal from the nerve to the brain. 

It takes about two weeks for the effects of Botox injections to develop, and you can expect pain relief to last up to four months. However, more frequent injections can help you stay ahead of your pain for longer-term relief.   

4. Managing migraines 

If you’re among the millions of Americans who struggle with chronic head pain from migraines, Botox could be the solution you’ve been looking for. Dr. Buttar has helped countless patients find relief from migraine pain with these quick injections. 

During your session, which takes less than 30 minutes, Dr. Buttar injects Botox into seven targeted areas of nerves and muscles in your neck and head. This blocks the pain signal to the brain, reducing or eliminating migraine pain. 

While everyone’s migraine treatment plan is personalized to meet their specific needs, on average, migraine sufferers report a 50% reduction in the number of days they get headache pain after two Botox sessions and only require four sessions a year to maintain results.

Before beginning any migraine treatment, Dr. Buttar reviews your medical history and determines which treatment is best for you. You might be a candidate for Botox for migraine if you:

These criteria aren’t hard and fast, however, and Dr. Buttar evaluates your symptoms and migraine history to decide if Botox can give you relief from your head pain.      

Learn more about Botox and the ways this injectable can address your needs by scheduling an appointment online or over the phone with Dr. Buttar at Raleigh Spine and Pain Center.

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